Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 81 - Very windy

I left the house around 9:40 a.m. and it was very windy. There was a tail wind for the first half mile and then a cross wind until I made it to the mountain. The wind is not that bad in the woods. The trees do a great job of blocking most of the wind. It was very loud on the trail today with the wind blowing the trees. The trails were clear in some spots and very icy in others. There were a lot of hikers out on the trail today. A lot of regulars that I see almost every week. Two people had a fire at the Pinnacle enjoying the view. On the way back down to the parking lot a lady was walking her dog with a leash. Another couple had 2 dogs not on a leash. The two dogs went right over and started to fight with the other dog on the leash. I guess they didn't see the sign in the parking lot that reads "All dogs must be leashed". Why wouldn't you leash your dog when you see someone coming with another dog? The last half mile was straight into the wind. Wow! That was tough! I never ran in a wind like that before. It just held me back and it felt like I couldn't go anywhere.

The rest of the family left for a movie so I went for another run. I have to get them in when I can. I drove up to the mountain around 3:40 p.m. On the way up I passed a lot of the same people that were heading out when I was finishing on my first run. It was a little colder this time and not as many people out on the trail. On my way back I ran by the Windsor Furnace shelter and there were tents set up with maybe 8 people standing around a fire. Looks like they were going to have a fun night. I finished with two nice runs today and ready for the wind to move out of here.

2-19-2011 - 12 miles - 2:20 - run
2-19-2011 - 9 miles - 1:44 - run





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